Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Reading Summary: Steve Krug's "Guiding Principles"

This week's reading assignment was to read Chapters 1-5 of Steve Krug's Don't Make Me Think - aka, the "Guiding Principles" section.

I've got to say, I think I'm going to like this book.  And I even say this after reading it on a computer screen.  That's a big thing for me, I have a whole soap box I could climb on about the advantages of printed books - but hey, for school? e-books have some positive features as well.

Krug writes in a completely conversational style and has made a point of writing a short and easily accessible book.  His book is a bit old now, this second edition was published in 2006, but everything that I've read so far seems completely relevant and syncs up with the knowledge I already have.

The chapter titles are

  1. Don't make me think!
  2. How users really use the Web
  3. Billboard Design 101
  4. Animal, vegetable, or mineral?
  5. Omit needless words
In essence these chapters lay the foundation for understanding what users are really looking for when they go to a web page: a frustration free experience that tells them what they need to know using the least amount of brain power.

The things I found the most interesting were Krug's ideas about the acceptable numbers of clicks, and how three mindless clicks equals one thoughtful click - when calculating mental payload.  It really makes sense to me. I also appreciated how he said that users will invest some time to muddle through a difficult site - although I wonder how much the statistics have changed on that in the last 7 years.  

The most painful part for me was Chapter 5 - "Omit needless words."  Now, I agree with this, I know it to be true, but it still hurts.  It makes me second guess everything I've ever written and published to a page (including this blog post).  My 10th grade AP US History teacher was the first to teach me that less is more when it comes to writing, but I still have a long way to go!

Overall though, I really am enjoying this book and look forward to reading the next section in the near future!

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