Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Testing 1, 2, 3 (4) - Music Streaming Sites

(originally published at http://infm.mercer.edu/infm322/2013_su1/kimberlym/usability/usability.html)

Using the System Usability Scale that was referenced on Usability.gov’s Template page , I determined that the below sites are, as far as usability goes, good or bad.

I decided to look at sites that all serve one purpose – to provide streaming music online. Please note, user accounts already existed for these sites.

I actually, personally, really enjoy using all of these sites, but some, to me, have figured out a better way of doing things!
*these usability tests are a reflection of my own personal opinions; no other users were surveyed.

The Scenario: Listen to music that you do not own, for free, using an internet browser.

The Good


Score 100/100
Comments Although Pandora.com got a 100/100 on the system usability scale, that doesn’t mean that there’s not room for improvement! It’s a great site, but it’s missing functionality that other music streaming sites are now offering (like listening to entire albums by a selected artist, etc.). For what it does though, which is introduce you to music that using the “music genome project” it thinks you’ll like, it does superbly.


Score 90/100
Comments Grooveshark is one of my favorite music streaming sites. It gives you options to find specific artists/songs/albums OR to listen to a genre-based station.
  • Clear search bar and navigation bar.
  • Simple interface
  • In site navigation can feel off going back to the previous page.
  • Adding one song vs. adding all songs can be a little confusing, although I don’t know how they could make it more clear.

The Bad


Score 62.5/100
Comments The biggest problem with Spotify is that you cannot listen to Spotify using a web browser. Using a computer, you have to download a program that uses a lot of your system’s juice. It made the results of the survey skewed, since I couldn't really test the product. But I think the score reflects that well without injuring its reputation completely.

Google Play - Unlimited Music

Score 90/100
Comments In my opinion, Google, usually a fiend for amazing usability, has made a mess of Google Play. Logging in to use the unlimited music offer that’s now going on, the user is bombarded with items that do not lead you to the correct place.
  • “Unlimited Music Made Easy” is the front and center advertisement, even if you’ve already signed up for this feature! And clicking that ad doesn’t take you to the application if you’ve already signed up.
  • Clicking “Music” on the left of the screen just takes you to where you can BUY music, not listen to the promised unlimited amount.
  • You have to click “My Music” in the top navigation bar to get to the unlimited music. In a grayed out, small font, the site does nothing to help users find their way. The eyes move right over the navigation bar to the brilliant colors and moving ads.

1 comment:

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